Comunicare susținută la XI Convegno Internazionale di Studi
Venezia e l`Europa Orientale tra il tardo Medioevo et l`età Moderna
desfășurat la Institutul de Cultură și Cercetare Umanistică din Veneția în perioada 27 – 29 aprilie 2023.
Titlul comunicării:
Agents of diplomacy. Venetian networks at the court of Rudolf II and the Uskok matter
(Agenți diplomatici. Rețelele venețiene de la curtea lui Rudolf al II-lea și chestiunea uscocă)
In this paper discussed the different aspects of the Venetian diplomacy performed by Francesco Vendramin and Piero Duodo at the court of Rudolf II while aiming to fulfil one of their tasks: to remove the Uskoks from Segna. Based on a collection of 134 documents (letters, copies of official documents, etc. covering the time frame between 1598 and 1606) put together in four unpublished notebooks, the topic of my paper focusses on the individuals and the public performances approached by the two Venetian ambassadors. To build a strong discourse and a meaningful cause, Vendramin and Duodo, combine their knowledge and training as „men of the Venetian Empire” with the skills and influence of the individuals they encounter and involve. Thus, I intend to distinguish among the high-class individuals active in Prague (Papal representatives and missionaries; other ambassadors, etc.) and the inside men useful in providing information from Segna/Senj and the Venetian-Habsburg border (relatives, friends, spies, etc.).